Europe Needs Clean Fuels for Net Zero - Podcast interview with John Cooper

John Cooper, FuelsEurope Director General, got together with Tammy Klein, Founder & CEO of Transport Energy Strategies, to discuss the European energy transition.

In this new episode, "Europe Needs Clean Fuels for Net Zero" of the podcast “Fuelling the Future of Transport” FuelsEurope Director General answers questions such as “Do you think policymakers really want liquid fuels in the refining industry given what was proposed under the Fit for 55 package?”; “Is their vision strictly electrification at this point?” and many more.

John Cooper stated that the Fuels Manufacturers’ work started even before the Paris Agreement, and has solidified under the Clean Fuels for All strategy. “We looked into the feedstocks, technologies and what kind of trajectory is implied by that work and we translated it into a strategy for our sector, that was able to provide a pathway that would allow the rest of liquid fuels demand to be climate neutral by 2050.”

“The strategy for electrification got more attention so the feedback we got was lukewarm. Electrification should be well supported in policy for this transition, but we sometimes feel that our proposals for renewable fuels have been in competition with that and that’s unfortunate.”

These and other topics of interest such as security of supply were debated during the episode, which you can check out here: #91. Europe Needs Clean Fuels for Net Zero - Transport Energy Strategies Transport Energy Strategies