Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance

The decarbonisation of transport is one of the most ambitious goals of the "Fit for 55 Package" presented by the European Commission. To achieve this objective, all low-carbon technologies must contribute. Renewable and low-carbon fuels offer an alternative to conventional fossil-based fuels to reduce emissions in all modes of transportation and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The launch of the Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance is an essential tool for their development. This initiative, launched by Commissioner Adina Valean in April 2022, aims to ensure that aviation and waterborne transport have sufficient access to low-carbon fuels while considering the future use of these fuels in land-based transport, and thus contributing to the reduction in the transport sector’s GHG emissions by 90 percent by 2050.

Since the publication of the European Commission’s “Fit for 55 Package”, the geopolitical landscape has changed dramatically with implications for energy security and raw material dependencies. We believe that in fulfilling its objectives, the RLCF Value Chain Alliance has the potential to contribute to the EU’s strategic autonomy in the energy sector, supporting the clean energy transition of the key industrial sectors for a more resilient European energy system. By providing a concrete contribution to the decarbonisation of the aviation and maritime sectors, the RLCF Value Chain Alliance has a unique role in promoting an integrated European strategy for the uptake of renewable fuels aiming at the twin objective of climate neutrality and the strengthening of European resilience. 

How is the Alliance set up?

Following the adoption of a Work Programme in the inaugural General Assembly which took place on 12 July 2022, Alliance members, (following an internal call for expression of interest) started to work together in four thematic Roundtables on relevant aspects of full value chain coordination.

All members of the Alliance have the right to participate in the General Assembly, which is composed of two Chambers – one each for waterborne transport and aviation. Currently, SAFRAN chairs the Aviation Chamber, while Fincantieri chairs the Waterborne Chamber. The General Assembly discusses and endorses the annual Alliance Work Programme, with operational objectives and milestones proposed by the Steering Group of the Alliance. Members then implement the Work Programme through thematic Roundtables and dedicated work streams. Their work will be supported by an Alliance Secretariat, which is run by FuelsEurope, together with Hydrogen Europe.

The Alliance’s Steering Group is composed of the two Chambers’ chairs, the partner organisation for the Secretariat of the Alliance, and the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission.

Objectives of the Alliance

Objectives and priorities are developed in the annual Work Programme and endorsed by the General Assembly. The focus is on helping develop a pipeline of projects in the value chains along key fuel technologies and modes (aviation and waterborne) and overcoming key common challenges and horizontal issues, e.g. access to feedstock, priority pathways, and access to finance.

The long-term objective of the Alliance is to create a robust Alliance structure to support a sufficient and adequate access of aviation and waterborne transport to renewable and low-carbon fuels while taking into account that, in the transitional phase, they will continue to play an important role in the decarbonisation of road transport. Further information on the RLCF Alliance’s objectives is available here.

Who can join?

Any company (regardless of ownership or location); all stakeholder groups registered in the transparency register; public bodies of EU Member States; and international organizations can join the Alliance and become a member. Currently, the Alliance has more than 260 members. “This number is a big success”, Alessandro Bartelloni FuelsEurope Director highlights.


“The success of the Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance shows the widespread interest for developing a strategy for liquid fuels in the EU." - Alessandro Bartelloni, FuelsEurope Director.

FuelsEurope Director pointed out that the key objective of the Alliance, the pipeline of projects, can’t be fulfilled without the involvement of all the relevant stakeholders.


Official Communications 

  • July 2024: Open Call for expression of interest to delegate experts to the Project Labelling Task Force;
  • April 2024 First RLCF Alliance matchmaking session;
  • March 2024: Open Call for project proposals to be included in the project pipeline;
  • October 2023: Second General Assembly took place;
  • May 2023: Top-up exercise to update the composition of the 4 RTs;
  • May 2022: Steering Group Members Call to Join the Alliance;
  • September 2022: Open Call for expression of interest to delegate experts to the thematic roundtables;
  • July 2022: Inaugural General Assembly took place.

Publication / Media presence


Official Meetings/Events for Members 

  • 10th April 2024: “Fuelling Change: how the EU is decarbonizing Seas and Skies” took place in the European Parliament;
  • 4th April 2024: RLCF Alliance Event: “Innovate & Connect: Advancing renewable and low-carbon fuel solutions for maritime and aviation”, Bruxelles;
  • 16th October 2023: 2nd General Assembly, EC Premises at Albert Borschette Conference Center, Bruxelles;
  • 30th June 2023: Third High-Level Steering Group Meeting to take stock of the first year of operations;
  • 21st & 22nd November: Roundtables Kick-Off Meetings, Brussels;
  • 12th July 2022: First General Assembly, EC Premises at Albert Borschette Conference Centre, Bruxelles;
  • 6th April 2022: Official launch of the RLCF Alliance in the presence of Commissioner Adina Valean.

Public events & External Activities 

  • 3-6 September 2024: RLCF Alliance matchmaking session and showcasing at SMM in Hamburg;
  • 25th June 2024: Presentation of the RLCF Alliance at the Working Party on Transport, Council of the EU;
  • 5th and 6th June 2024: Participation at ILA Berlin where a dedicated RLCF Alliance Project Showcase and Matchmaking session took place, Berlin;
  • 16th May 2024: Participation to the event “Accelerating the Transition in the Maritime and Aviation Sectors: the EU Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Alliance” in Milan (IT);
  • 3rd April 2024: Participation to the event Connecting Europe by Air side in Brussels (BE);
  • 26th September 2023: Presentation of the RLCF Alliance at the World Methanol Forum in Wien (AU);
  • 12th July 2023: Presentation of the RLCF Alliance at the ICAO SAF Stocktaking Event (preparation to the CAAF/3), Montreal, (CN), Online;
  • 22nd June 2023: RLCF Alliance hosted the policy Session "Gearing up for the rollout of renewable and low-carbon fuels!" at the EUSEW 2023, Brussels & Online;
  • 20th June 2023: RLCF Alliance Event on aviation at the Paris Air Show, Paris;
  • 31st May 2023: Presentation of the RLCF Alliance at AED Cluster Portugal, Lisbon, Online;
  • 17th May 2023: Presentation of the RLCF Alliance at the European Civil Aviation Conference, (ECAC) Environmental Forum, Online;
  • 12th May 2023: Participation to the High-Level Forum on the Transition of Mobility 2023, Pau (France) & Online;
  • 11th May 2023: ICAO Council briefing on RLCF Alliance, Online;
  • 26th October 2022: Panel on RLCF Alliance in the European Hydrogen Week, Brussels;
  • 28th September 2022: Participation to the EUSEW 2022’ Policy Conference, Brussels.


Visit us on the RLCF Alliance Community Platform, by clicking here.​

Secretariat of the Alliance:​


Hydrogen Europe​: 

DG MOVE contact:​

Michał Kubicki, Zlatko Kregar, Ewa Oney, Ricardo Batista, Ioanna Katsarou:



For more information about this initiative and how to become a member, check the website.


The RLCF Alliance is looking for all the projects that can contribute to the future value chains of fuels supply for maritime and aviation sectors and fit in one or more project archetypes map. This includes sourcing, production, distribution and use of fuels, as well as any technology supplied that is needed for any stage in the value chain – including aircraft and vessels, refinery equipment, hydrogen production, CO2 sourcing and capture, etc.

From this moment on all current and future members of the Alliance can submit their proposals via the new RLCF Alliance Project pipeline and matchmaking platform.

This platform allows participating projects to:

  • Connect with partners up-stream and down-stream.
  • Find potential finance providers.
  • Participate in project showcasing events
  • Communicate to third parties.
  • Apply for RLCF Alliance seal of excellence, a future deliverable of the Alliance under the revised RLCF Alliance Work Programme.
  • Benefit from active monitoring to identify and swiftly resolve structural difficulties.

Who can submit a project?

  • Projects can be submitted by Alliance Members only.
  • In case of projects involving multiple partners, all partners shall be members of the Alliance, or sign the alliance declaration at the same time with submission of the project to the pipeline.

Project criteria:

  • Projects must contribute to the future value chains of fuels supply for maritime and aviation sectors and fit in one or more project archetypes map
  • Maturity: projects can be at various stages of development.
  • Ownership: For projects located in the EU, the ownership of the production is not restricted. However, projects located outside EU can only be submitted if they are controlled by an EU entity or other significant link with the EU value chain can be demonstrated.
  • Location: Projects can be located in the EU or outside the EU.
  • Scope of fuels: for projects that involve production or import of fuels – they would need to fall in the scope of technologies that can be used to fulfil legal requirements under the ReFuelEU Aviation or FuelEU Maritime.
  • Destination of fuels: Projects that involve production of fuels and are located in the EU can produce maritime or aviation fuels for domestic uses or for exports.
  • Sourcing of feedstock:as long as the feedstock is eligible under relevant EU legislation, projects can be supplied with feedstock for within the EU and outside.

How to submit a project?

  • Please submit you project to the website.