Air Quality

The EU Fuel Manufacturing Industry supports the principle of seeking cost-effective solutions to improve air quality.


European legislation on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (Directive 2008/50/EC) sets air quality limit values that cannot be exceeded anywhere in the EU and oblige Member States to limit the exposure of citizens to air pollutants. In many Member States, these air quality standards are being exceeded in urban areas. Many cities now face legal and political pressure to reduce ambient air concentrations in the short term. As a response, low emission zones restricting access to the oldest diesel and gasoline vehicles are being included in city air quality management plans.

In Autumn 2022, the European Commission proposed a revision of the EU Ambient Air Quality Directives to align the air quality standards more closely with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The trilogue agreement is foreseen to be formally adopted Q4 2024.


FuelsEurope supports the principle of seeking cost-effective solutions to improve air quality in the EU. In order for domestic industry to be able to grow competitively, we believe that goals for environmental performance should take into account how far Member States can achieve them cost-effectively. At the municipal level FuelsEurope also supports the flexibility that cities have in implementing well-targeted and cost-effective measures.

However, we strongly believe that legislation must be designed on the basis of a comprehensive risk management approach, as recommended by the World Health Organisation, through focusing on sound science, including cost-benefit and sensitivity analysis and a fair burden sharing between all sectors. Environmental performance goals should be drawn up in such a way that they will allow Member States’ domestic industries to compete effectively and continue their contributions to the recent great improvements in European air quality. The legislation should also be compatible with future energy scenarios, in order to not disrupt the ongoing energy transition.

Finally, the Commission’s proposal to revise the AAQD sets timelines for compliance which will remain a challenge for a majority of Member States, therefore we recommend that the increase in action, ambition and alignment is gradual, and allows for sufficient time for Member States to encompass the measures needed to meet the intermediate limit and target values proposed.


FuelsEurope is very closely following all the Regulations related to CO2 emissions for road vehicles, including the Light and Heavy-Duty-Vehicles Regulations and ultimately the so called "Euro7" Regulation. The regulation was adopted April 2024, setting stricter limits on pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrocarbons (HC) for cars, vans, trucks, and buses. The goal of Euro 7 is to significantly reduce the emissions from road transport, which is a major source of air pollution in urban areas.

The EU's air quality policy integrates vehicle emission standards with broader air quality management practices. Euro 7 serves as a technical standard that ensures new vehicles are less polluting, while the AAQD provides the legal framework for monitoring air quality and taking remedial actions where necessary. Both pieces of legislation will be periodically reviewed and updated based on scientific evidence and technological advancements. This ensures that they remain effective in addressing emerging air quality challenges.