FuelsEurope launches its metaverse experience for the promotion of low-carbon liquid fuels
FuelsEurope, with the support of Infinite Reality, a Metaverse entertainment and innovation company, launched at the Grand Prix de Pau 2022 the first Metaverse experience in the EU Brussels bubble to present the low-carbon liquid fuels, at the centre of its Clean Fuels for All strategy. This initial Metaverse experience will connect with a broader Metaverse project, titled JUMP, focused on sustainability in the EU and designed and developed by California-based Infinite Reality.
FuelsEurope decided to partner with the Grand Prix de Pau, May 2022 edition, to promote the role of low-carbon liquid fuels and raise the awareness of these sustainable fuels among users and citizens. Alain Mathuren, Communication Director FuelsEurope commented: “Informing users and citizens about the availability, sustainability, and ease of use of low-carbon liquid fuels is now a priority for FuelsEurope. We were looking for a channel that would allow us to simplify the information, but also visualise it and walk our stakeholders inside the technologies to bring them as close as possible to the fuels. Given its outstanding potential, Metaverse became the obvious solution.”
Alain Mathuren underlined: “The technical potential of Metaverse will enable users and citizens to be better informed on the future of mobility, on their future mobility options, and assess the sustainability of each technology from the feedstock to the final use. At FuelsEurope we believe that informing our customers and users is critical to allow them to embark on the low-carbon journey critically needed to address the climate challenge.”
With this sponsorship, Infinite Reality affirmed its commitment to sustainable development and global responsibility. The historic racing event not only showcased car races powered by low-carbon technologies and low-carbon liquid fuels but most importantly raised awareness about the transition to clean sources of energy and the innovative technologies available for individual mobility. Infinite Reality was delighted to partner with FuelsEurope to transport viewers into the sustainable future via an immersive and deeply engaging Metaverse experience.
“Infinite Reality looks forward to deepening our engagement with FuelsEurope, expanding our footprint in Europe, and exploring opportunities to support sustainable businesses, government initiatives, and educational events with innovative and truly immersive Metaverse experiences”, said Infinite Reality CEO John Acunto.
To preview this brave new world, please watch the video below: