
05/06/2014 Position Papers
Summary:The EU refining industry supports the principle of seeking cost-effective solutions to impro ...
21/02/2014 Position Papers
The framework package for energy and climate to 2030 proposed by the Commission clearly identifies E ...
21/02/2014 Position Papers
FuelsEurope’s views on energy taxation are summarized below. They are intended to contribute t ...
11/02/2014 Position Papers
FuelsEurope welcomes the Commission’s intention to modernize EU State Aid rules and to award a ...
01/12/2013 Joint Statements
Industry is deeply concerned by aspects of the upcoming EC proposals in the Air Policy Review, in pa ...
18/10/2013 News
Industry needs a predictable and realistically achievable set of measures; we therefore urge EU poli ...
11/09/2013 Joint Statements
The Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries, representing over 30.000 European companies and 4 milli ...
06/08/2013 Joint Statements
In July, the European Commission issued a proposal to postpone the auctioning of an as yet undefined ...
19/07/2013 Press Releases
EUROPIA, representing the European refining industry, believes that the European Parliament’s ...
01/07/2013 Position Papers
This document presents EUROPIA’s (representing the European Petroleum Industry) contribution t ...
09/04/2013 Joint Statements
The increase in ETS prices targeted by the Commission through short-term intervention will further c ...
25/01/2013 Position Papers
Following the Commission proposal to amend the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and the Fuel Quality ...
01/09/2012 Position Papers
Implementation of EU environmental legislation in line with wider goalsEUROPIA recognises the import ...
11/05/2012 Position Papers
EUROPIA agrees that clear and easily recognised pump labelling should be provided at service station ...
12/02/2012 News
The Commission has published a number of Communications, or Roadmaps, over the past 12 months lookin ...